Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Colombia. what to do?

Nature tourism in Colombia

Geographically, Colombia has five contexts with singular landscape, fauna and flora offers. These are the Andes, the Caribbean, the Pacific Coast, the Amazon, and the Eastern Plains.

Colombia is the second most diverse country on the planet. Protected ecosystems, where scientific research or the simple delight of contemplating and experiencing are possible, make our country an exceptional nature destination.

Colombia offers the world a laboratory for the conservation of life. It’s continental waters contain 3,000 species of fish in diverse marine-coastal ecosystems that cover 95% of the continental platform. We can find among them coral reefs, mangrove forests, coastal and delta lagoons, phanerogamic prairies, and beach and cliff systems.
An unforgettable adventure for a new reencounter with nature
Colombia’s continental platform includes 53 million hectares of natural forests, 22 million hectares of savannas, arid zones, wetlands, and snow peaks, and one million hectares of continental waters. Fourteen percent of the country consists of protected national parks, natural parks, and sanctuaries.
Information and figures concerning nature in Colombia do not cease to amaze us: we have 20% of the bird species of the world, 17% of amphibians, 8% of freshwater fish, 8% of reptiles, 16% of diurnal butterflies, and 10% of mammals.

Colombia is first in the world with

  • 1,876 bird species, equivalent to 20% of the world total
  • 258 species of palm trees, the highest number in the world

Colombia is third in the world with

  • 2.890 species of vertebrates
  • 222 species of saurians
Over and above numbers, nature tourists will find a true source of wonder and amazement for a reencounter with human essence and tranquillity.

Textos extraidos de el Portal Oficial de Turismo de Colombia: www.colombia.travel 

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